Monday, November 4, 2013

Flight to Christchurch photos

I'm at the South Pole now and I will now have time and computers to catch up my blog.  I want to keep the events in order so let's go back and look at that luxury flight on a Boeing 777-300 from Sydney to Christchurch.

Coming in over the coast of New Zealand.  It looks like Alaska, doesn't it?


  1. Whoa, that's the way to fly! Curious about all the gadgets; they have the big screen on the seat back in front of you, what is the smaller screen on the left of the seat shown in photo 3? A far cry from the services received and crowded, uncomfortable seating on AK Airlines!

  2. Nice! Eagerly awaiting your further update! (& BTW you do realize by publishing these photo's you will have to upgrade Elsie's tickets in February!)
